Sunday, July 10, 2005


I was checking out another blog, Bron's Blog II, and realized my stash is similar to other stashes. Bron's is nice and neat, all in one place. Mine is in at least four different hiding spots, a shelf, a dresser drawer, Denise's Yarn Barn and on the floor in bags. Some day, when I'm avoiding a project, I should organize it. Should it be according to fiber content? Color? Amount? or size? These are difficult questions to answer.

Jane and I picked more blueberries yesterday, about 3 cups, but she doesn't contribute to the bucket, she just eats them! I honored my hubby by making blueberry muffins for breakfast today. YUM YUM!

Back to knitting--I ripped out the V-Shawl, too many mistakes and not enough yarn to do what I wanted. So it is balled up waiting for inspiration.
I keep going in the knitting room, looking for inspiration, but it just escapes me. I get inspired on my way to work, laying in bed, or whenever I CAN'T get to knitting. Evil, Evil inspiration. I think I will post all my ideas on the walls of my room--that way I can't avoid them!!!!

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