Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Bad News

Last week was so good! And then . . . . not so good.
The announcement last week, is no longer:(
Jenni isn't gonna be a mommy yet. Things didn't work out this time.
I just wish she didn't have to have such heartache. I don't wish that experience on any one.
But she is doing well, and their move to a new apartment is keeping her busy.
Send your healing light to her please.

The Bad News

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Just last Saturday at knitting club the grammas were all googling about their slew of grandbabies. They teased me saying, "just wait, you never know!" "Blah, Blah, blah, I'm just gonna have grand-dogs", I said. Like I said, that was Saturday.

On Sunday evening Jenni and Bill stopped by to say they got a new apartment in Petoskey. Good news because that's where they both work. More $$ for rent, less expense in fuel!! I was very glad for them. I gave Jenni the sockies I had knit for the kids (her friends FOUR kids, 18 mo, to 7 yrs) and she casually says, "You can keep make stuff."

"Yea, I know, blah, blah, blah," I said.

"I'm pregnant," she says.

I said something like, "AAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHH!" and gave her a hug and kiss.

Bill just sat there with a s--t eating grin on his face!

She is 6 weeks along now and I hope Connie doesn't read this until Jenni gets a chance to tell her.

This will be our first grandbaby. I think I'm excited!!

As for the new revised eating plan, things are going well, the first week, I lost 1 1/2 lbs. Saturday is weight in day and I've been walking 4 days a week for 40-50 minutes. I can't wait until the roads defrost completely so I don't have to shuffle across the icy parts. I'll just have to wear grub clothes and slop in the mud instead!

Oh, as for the grandmother thing, we're looking for a different name than 'grandma'. These are the current options: NaNa, NeeNee, (that goes with NeeCee), Gram, Oma, Munga, Bitch, Old Lady (I was formerly Hey Lady), Grammy, Me Maw, G-Ma. I'm taking nominations as I'm gonna be the coolest grandmother ever!!

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Slow Knitting

Last week a made a purse for my friend M to give. When people ask about her purse, she says, "My friend Denise made it!" (with flourishing model hands). So I'm making a few more. They are easy TV knitting and uses left over wool.
I visited with my new Doc again on Thursday. I have homework from the last visit--keep a food diary. I had never done that before. It was a very interesting experience for me. I knew going in I would stern advice about the chips. It was the eating pattern that I was surprised with and what it does physiologically to my body that surprised me. I carb up (obviously bad carbs), fly, crash, carb up again to counteract the crash and wow, it's a vicious cycle!
My first day trying to break the cycle was eye opening. I've been doing this for so long I have gotten into a habit of carb doping for lunch and taking a nap in the afternoon. Yesterday, I cut way back on the bad carbs but did the nap thing anyway (habit). I felt so different after my nap. Like alive and awake. Doc said if I just do one thing a week (cut something or substitute a not so good thing for a better thing) then she expects a 1 lb. a week weight loss! My weight hasn't gone that way in 20 years! This is going to be hard work, but it's time to take care of myself now. I'm starting at 216, really. I go back in two months. I'm so excited, I'm gonna find some batteries for the scale!