1. I really don't care for 'fun fur' type yarns. What is it with them anyway? And they're everywhere!
2. Still have a sweater, fudge, fruit salad to make, fridge to clean, gifts to wrap and clothes to wash for tonight.
3. Jane and hubby are suffering because of #2.
4. No one will receive holiday cards from me again this year--just not on my list of things to do.
5. I still care LOTS about the people I WOULD send cards to!
6. Haven't walked in days and my back and legs are screaming at me for it.
7. I weigh more than I every have in my life and I really don't care about weight anymore. I would like to be more fit and make walking a DAILY part of my life, for the rest of my life.
Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Merry Yule or whatever you celebrate this time of year!
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Friday, December 08, 2006
Another Quickie
On Monday I thought we had a meeting, when I got there I realized it was moved to Tuesday.
Tuesday I went to the meeting and sold 50/50 tickets at the first basketball game. Also ordered flowers for my ever-loving for our 'anniversary'; 29 years ago I picked him over the other guy. I was 14 at the time, Really!
Wednesday was the actual anniversary date. Then we have coffee, cake and ice cream to celebrate an older neighbor's birthday (he's 74).
Thursday after work I did some shopping for concession supplies for Saturday. While I was in the 'big city' I nabbed a few Yule gifts.
Today I've got laundry to do, fit a choir gown, pick up buns and bananas for tomorrows concessions and set up the concession area later.
Tomorrow is concession stand ALL DAY. We plan on starting coffee at 7 a.m. The Cheer America coach running the competition said to plan on about 1100 kids! Competitions begin at 9 a.m. with Level 1; Level 5 doesn't start until 4:30!
Sunday I was hoping to rest a bit, but the list says bake cookies, hem choir gown, laundry and clean bathrooms!!!!
Monday I might get some knitting Yule gifts in.
Tuesday is 50/50 again.
Wednesday is my Home and Garden Party I got conived into hosting.
The next planned event is Sunday with the cookie exchange--we were planning on 12 dozen cookies, now we're at 15 dozen!! (I have half of the baked, sorted and in the freezer.)
How's your holiday schedule?
Tuesday I went to the meeting and sold 50/50 tickets at the first basketball game. Also ordered flowers for my ever-loving for our 'anniversary'; 29 years ago I picked him over the other guy. I was 14 at the time, Really!
Wednesday was the actual anniversary date. Then we have coffee, cake and ice cream to celebrate an older neighbor's birthday (he's 74).
Thursday after work I did some shopping for concession supplies for Saturday. While I was in the 'big city' I nabbed a few Yule gifts.
Today I've got laundry to do, fit a choir gown, pick up buns and bananas for tomorrows concessions and set up the concession area later.
Tomorrow is concession stand ALL DAY. We plan on starting coffee at 7 a.m. The Cheer America coach running the competition said to plan on about 1100 kids! Competitions begin at 9 a.m. with Level 1; Level 5 doesn't start until 4:30!
Sunday I was hoping to rest a bit, but the list says bake cookies, hem choir gown, laundry and clean bathrooms!!!!
Monday I might get some knitting Yule gifts in.
Tuesday is 50/50 again.
Wednesday is my Home and Garden Party I got conived into hosting.
The next planned event is Sunday with the cookie exchange--we were planning on 12 dozen cookies, now we're at 15 dozen!! (I have half of the baked, sorted and in the freezer.)
How's your holiday schedule?
Saturday, November 25, 2006
The Days After
Thanksgiving day went wonderfully; two dinners at two homes. The early meal (1:30) was at the youngest brother-in-laws, lots of family there from hubbys side of the family and sis-in-laws brother and wife. All went well. It was the first time to their new home and the remodel is in full swing. It's one of the oldest homes in their little town and has great potential. The work they've done looks real good too!
Dinner #2 was at the eldest daughters' home. She insisted on making dinner, so I helped where necessary. Everything went well there too! I think the Wednesday evening prep was a challenge though. . . . . . .
The story goes . . . . .
I better start with last weekend . . . . .
Youngest daughter, still at home, let's call her R had a challenging weekend. I believe it started Friday evening.
She and her friend of 4 years, a male friend, we'll call him J Eldon, wanted to go out. It was blizzarding. They traversed the 3 miles to middle sisters apartment to watch movies. That was all the farther I would let them go. They arrived back here around 9 p.m. I asked if R was going to take J. Eldon home. It was blizzarding, she said, "You drive him." Needless to say, he spent the night in the spare room.
Saturday morning she was driving him home before she headed to work. She made dropped him off and made it half way to work when . . .
her brakes failed at the intersection. The god's were with her, the light turned green, she coasted through the intersection, into a parking lot and drove in circles until the Exploder slowed down enough to roll into a snowbank. She called from a convenience store. I picked her up and took her to work. She called when she was done and T and I picked her up and retrieved the Exploder.
On Sunday R took my car to her second job. We lost power in the afternoon so I called her to remind her to be careful driving through the intersection in town. She stopped at big sisters house on her way home for dinner and called to check in. By then, the power was back on. Ten minutes later big sister called and said, "Mom, the brakes went out on your car."
Poor R, two vehicles, two sets of brakes in two days! Momma freaked.
T bought parts and fixed, bought more parts and fixed and bought more parts and fixed! (He's magic you know.)
Ok, all went well for a few days until Wednesday. R asked to borrow my car again. She and J. Eldon were going holiday visiting and my car is more reliable. I said OK. We swapped vehicles. I drove the Exploder home from work. I loaded it full of groceries to take to eldests home to prep for Turkey day (thank goodness she lives only 10 miles from us.) A mile and a half from home, in front of one of the dining establishements, the drivers side rear wheel fell off the Exploder!!!
Yup, wheel fell off, O F F, off. Like someone missed lug nut day at school.
I calmly exited the vehicle, looked at where the wheel was, yup is was gone. Went into the bar and called eldest. Very calmly I said, "Come get me, I'm at the Brown Trout, the wheel fell off the Exploder."
Within 10 minutes my rescue crew arrived. T had just arrived home from work and got the call from eldest; and eldest and her hubby arrived to re-install the wheel and brake drum that had rolled across the road and back home the Exploder went. I loaded into eldests Blazer with groceries and went over to drink and Smirnoff and make pie crusts. Girls chopped veggies for salad and dressing and I rode home with R in MY car.
And yet, there's more . . .
Yesterday was one of the largest craft shows in northern Michigan. Eldest, R, mom and me had our first booth there. Unloaded displays and wares at 7 a.m., set up and ready to sell by 10 a.m., tear down at 4 p.m. We had an eclectic bunch of stuff--ornaments, baby knits, lamps, candles, woodworking--and we barely covered the entry fee! We heard the same from many crafters. For a first time this could be a real deterent; but I think we'll try another one next weekend!
In the mean time, R is still driving my car and I ache all over from loading, unloading, sitting, loading and unloading craft show stuff. I finally took a couple anti-inflamatories this morning and am lazing around for a while. Next I will eat something for breakfast, then shower--that will complete my list for the day. Anything else I do will be above and beyond my goal!
Dinner #2 was at the eldest daughters' home. She insisted on making dinner, so I helped where necessary. Everything went well there too! I think the Wednesday evening prep was a challenge though. . . . . . .
The story goes . . . . .
I better start with last weekend . . . . .
Youngest daughter, still at home, let's call her R had a challenging weekend. I believe it started Friday evening.
She and her friend of 4 years, a male friend, we'll call him J Eldon, wanted to go out. It was blizzarding. They traversed the 3 miles to middle sisters apartment to watch movies. That was all the farther I would let them go. They arrived back here around 9 p.m. I asked if R was going to take J. Eldon home. It was blizzarding, she said, "You drive him." Needless to say, he spent the night in the spare room.
Saturday morning she was driving him home before she headed to work. She made dropped him off and made it half way to work when . . .
her brakes failed at the intersection. The god's were with her, the light turned green, she coasted through the intersection, into a parking lot and drove in circles until the Exploder slowed down enough to roll into a snowbank. She called from a convenience store. I picked her up and took her to work. She called when she was done and T and I picked her up and retrieved the Exploder.
On Sunday R took my car to her second job. We lost power in the afternoon so I called her to remind her to be careful driving through the intersection in town. She stopped at big sisters house on her way home for dinner and called to check in. By then, the power was back on. Ten minutes later big sister called and said, "Mom, the brakes went out on your car."
Poor R, two vehicles, two sets of brakes in two days! Momma freaked.
T bought parts and fixed, bought more parts and fixed and bought more parts and fixed! (He's magic you know.)
Ok, all went well for a few days until Wednesday. R asked to borrow my car again. She and J. Eldon were going holiday visiting and my car is more reliable. I said OK. We swapped vehicles. I drove the Exploder home from work. I loaded it full of groceries to take to eldests home to prep for Turkey day (thank goodness she lives only 10 miles from us.) A mile and a half from home, in front of one of the dining establishements, the drivers side rear wheel fell off the Exploder!!!
Yup, wheel fell off, O F F, off. Like someone missed lug nut day at school.
I calmly exited the vehicle, looked at where the wheel was, yup is was gone. Went into the bar and called eldest. Very calmly I said, "Come get me, I'm at the Brown Trout, the wheel fell off the Exploder."
Within 10 minutes my rescue crew arrived. T had just arrived home from work and got the call from eldest; and eldest and her hubby arrived to re-install the wheel and brake drum that had rolled across the road and back home the Exploder went. I loaded into eldests Blazer with groceries and went over to drink and Smirnoff and make pie crusts. Girls chopped veggies for salad and dressing and I rode home with R in MY car.
And yet, there's more . . .
Yesterday was one of the largest craft shows in northern Michigan. Eldest, R, mom and me had our first booth there. Unloaded displays and wares at 7 a.m., set up and ready to sell by 10 a.m., tear down at 4 p.m. We had an eclectic bunch of stuff--ornaments, baby knits, lamps, candles, woodworking--and we barely covered the entry fee! We heard the same from many crafters. For a first time this could be a real deterent; but I think we'll try another one next weekend!
In the mean time, R is still driving my car and I ache all over from loading, unloading, sitting, loading and unloading craft show stuff. I finally took a couple anti-inflamatories this morning and am lazing around for a while. Next I will eat something for breakfast, then shower--that will complete my list for the day. Anything else I do will be above and beyond my goal!
Friday, November 17, 2006
Ok, so originally I had hoped to post more pics when I started blogging. Well as you see, it's just not happening, but you get words!
SKB at Sexy Knitters Club is over, but I'm not done with mine. It needs revising. A frogging I must go.
Candle Flame shawl is still in time-out, not because of the mistakes but because I have my first craft fair coming up next week and I feel totally unprepared! Candle Flame is for ME, not to sell.
Otherwise, I've been knitting quite a bit, 2 little girl ponchos, fingerless gloves, tiny nordic sweaters and baby sockies last week. I hope to have a couple of tubs of stuff ready to go by next Friday at 7 a.m. Now to just find that paperwork I need for the fair?!?!
Outside is a new skiff of snow on the ground.
Tony has been working inceasently fixing the youngest daughter's vehicle breaks. She a a string of bad luck last weekend. Another financial setback, $200+ in parts--thank goodness we didn't have to pay labor costs, I just made hubby supper.
And guess what I have discovered? Regular tv has crap on it just like the expensive DirecTV we were paying for! But it did take me half an hour on the phone to cancel it. She kept asking why I wanted to cancel--"Because we don't want to pay for it any longer since we got 157 channels and there's NOTHING ON."
I feel better now that I posted some progress. Let me know you stopped for a visit.
SKB at Sexy Knitters Club is over, but I'm not done with mine. It needs revising. A frogging I must go.
Candle Flame shawl is still in time-out, not because of the mistakes but because I have my first craft fair coming up next week and I feel totally unprepared! Candle Flame is for ME, not to sell.
Otherwise, I've been knitting quite a bit, 2 little girl ponchos, fingerless gloves, tiny nordic sweaters and baby sockies last week. I hope to have a couple of tubs of stuff ready to go by next Friday at 7 a.m. Now to just find that paperwork I need for the fair?!?!
Outside is a new skiff of snow on the ground.
Tony has been working inceasently fixing the youngest daughter's vehicle breaks. She a a string of bad luck last weekend. Another financial setback, $200+ in parts--thank goodness we didn't have to pay labor costs, I just made hubby supper.
And guess what I have discovered? Regular tv has crap on it just like the expensive DirecTV we were paying for! But it did take me half an hour on the phone to cancel it. She kept asking why I wanted to cancel--"Because we don't want to pay for it any longer since we got 157 channels and there's NOTHING ON."
I feel better now that I posted some progress. Let me know you stopped for a visit.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
The last couple weeks I've been moving my STUFF from the 14x11 bedroom to the 13x24 STUDIO (garage room). Bribed hubby to toughen up the wobbly desk and moved 3 knitting machines and 1 sewing machine, ironing board, serger, yarn and yarn barn, sewing notions and other miscellanous tools, supplies and crap into MY ROOM! Someday I'll get around to posting some pics of MY SPACE, not like the myspace thing on the web. This is the first time in almost 30 years that I've have a space that was just mine!!
But too much play make a woman with a tight back, so I need to walk the dog today.
I've been knitting, no you can't see! I'm just too lazy to take pics and post! (maybe, if a get a comment or two I could be bribed) cuz some of these little things I've finished are just so damn cute! Ok, that's it, quickie done.
But too much play make a woman with a tight back, so I need to walk the dog today.
I've been knitting, no you can't see! I'm just too lazy to take pics and post! (maybe, if a get a comment or two I could be bribed) cuz some of these little things I've finished are just so damn cute! Ok, that's it, quickie done.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Patience is a Virture
I've been such a good girl, waiting for this day to post. I didn't want t jinx it. J and B found an apartment about 2 weeks ago, but I didn't want to say anything until that actually moved in. Last night they got the key and boy did we move them fast! J had lots of stuff packed up already and her car loaded. B got home about 5 and we started loading the cars! By the time J got home ad 5:30 we had the majority of stuff loaded, just the large items left.
A 4 vehicle caravan traversed the treacherous 5 miles (downhill) to town. We unloaded boxes and tubs in the rain, stuffing them all into the tiny apartment. I returned home to find hubby eating the last of the cheese cake and complaining of hunger pangs. I zipped him into gear--Let's get this kid moved!!!! So we loaded up a few more tubs, the bed and a shelf unit. Delivered the items before they got too damp and slurpped down a piece of pizza from the kids.
Now the hard work begins--cleaning out their former room as it becomes my KNITTING/SEWING STUDIO!!!!!! 14x20 of knitting and sewing luxury!!! The small bedroom that was using before will become an extenstion of our bedroom, making a suite for the married couple.
A 4 vehicle caravan traversed the treacherous 5 miles (downhill) to town. We unloaded boxes and tubs in the rain, stuffing them all into the tiny apartment. I returned home to find hubby eating the last of the cheese cake and complaining of hunger pangs. I zipped him into gear--Let's get this kid moved!!!! So we loaded up a few more tubs, the bed and a shelf unit. Delivered the items before they got too damp and slurpped down a piece of pizza from the kids.
Now the hard work begins--cleaning out their former room as it becomes my KNITTING/SEWING STUDIO!!!!!! 14x20 of knitting and sewing luxury!!! The small bedroom that was using before will become an extenstion of our bedroom, making a suite for the married couple.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Disorders and Diseases

This is Jane. Jane is 6. As you can see, Jane is clearly a Chocolate Lab. Jane thinks she is a people. She can tell time; 7 p.m. is bone time. She knows what day of the week it is. Today is Saturday, today is snuggle w/mom day.
Jane was striken with an awful disease last weekend--Peanut butterus nositis, she it there on the end of her nose just above her snout? It usually occurs on evenings and weekends when crappy movies are on and her peeps are eating peanut butter and crackers. Somehow during the movie, a dollup of peanut butter migrated, through thin air, to the end of her nose. This disease causes tongue enlongation, and taste bud frustration on the dogs part and hysterical belly laughs on the humans part.
Knit-wise--SKB is coming along slowly; I've started a felted purse from Mason-Dixon and have procured a booth and one of Northern Michigan's largest craft shows the day after Thanksgiving. Wish me lots of luck, I've never done the craft show thing before!!
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Knitters Retreat
I have returned for the Grand Rapids Area Machine Knitters Retreat:) A wonderful weekend of knitting, yarn, food, yarn and knitting. It seemed like attendance was lower even with including hand knitters and crocheters, but was still good. Great demonstrators, techniques, patterns and yarns.
I was able to meet Leslye Solomon and Rachelle Moffett and Charlene Schafer and Tricia Schafer and Cathie Sanders. What a bunch of wonderful, creative, talented, friendly ladies! Each had a story to tell and ideas to share and I enjoyed the weekend.
I was able to meet Leslye Solomon and Rachelle Moffett and Charlene Schafer and Tricia Schafer and Cathie Sanders. What a bunch of wonderful, creative, talented, friendly ladies! Each had a story to tell and ideas to share and I enjoyed the weekend.
Monday, September 11, 2006
GRAMKC Here We Come!
It won't be long now. Thursday we head south to Grand Rapids for the Grand Rapids Area Machine Knitters Club Annual Retreat. Not just 2 but 4 of us are going this year.
But I must digress--before I can do that
I must
Celebrate with the man of my dreams, my shoulder to lean on, the love of my life--Tony. We will celebrate our 25 wedding anniversary on Tuesday. I understand that many are still mourning the events of 9-11-2001, but I MUST, you understand, just MUST celebrate with him. If I continue to be somber about such things I have no control over I fall deep into depression. So, maybe I'll have a drink Tuesday. We have been so lucky in our lives just to have each other. I feel blissful with him around. How could I ever thank him for all he has done for me. What a wonderful man! I Love You, Tony.
But I must digress--before I can do that
I must
Celebrate with the man of my dreams, my shoulder to lean on, the love of my life--Tony. We will celebrate our 25 wedding anniversary on Tuesday. I understand that many are still mourning the events of 9-11-2001, but I MUST, you understand, just MUST celebrate with him. If I continue to be somber about such things I have no control over I fall deep into depression. So, maybe I'll have a drink Tuesday. We have been so lucky in our lives just to have each other. I feel blissful with him around. How could I ever thank him for all he has done for me. What a wonderful man! I Love You, Tony.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Busy September

This coming Sunday, Sept. 10 will be our school Boosters 13 annual Cow Pie Bingo. We lead a bovine onto the football field to 'drop a plop'.
Then on Sept. 12 is my and my everloving's 25 anniversary.
Which crams lots of stuff into a few days, because on the 14th I head for Grand Rapids for the annual Knitter's Retreat. Two terrific days of knitting, this year we will have machine and hand knitting. Check out what's going on here.

OK, last weekend for review--tractor pulls at the Chippewa County Fair and my vacation. On Thursday, we participated in the the dead weight pull, my first time. I entered in the 3000 lb class with the 1954 Oliver 66. My first pull I managed a half inch, really, just a half inch; second pull--FULL PULL! The next and last puller, the only other lady in the class; full pull! They added 500 pounds to the sled and we had a pull-off! I pulled 6", whoo-hoo! Which actually was the winning pull because my opponent only managed 3".
Friday, was not as fulfilling. I slipped the tractor into high gear, stalled the tractor, fouled the plugs and messed up the carburetor. I had to scratch both classes. We returned home Friday night for a hot shower and repairs to my tractor.

And, sorry, he's not available.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Decision is Made
Ok, so after yesterdays vent, (thanks Bron) I feel much better. Here I thought that was a normal amount of crap to be doing. Oh, yea, and I haven't done any laundry for our vacation either!!
Ok, so I made my decision. Six months ago I had decided to decide later. I guess now is later than before. Now I need to decide when. I need to set a date to move on.
If you didn't notice in my last post, I HATE CELEBRATIONS. I don't even know when my blog-a-versary is. I don't care. But I do need to set a goal date. June graduation is too far away, I'm afraid I would hurt someone if I had to wait that long. Sept. 12 is too soon, I feel I need to give them more time. But I do need to have a heart-to-heart with hubby. This weekend!
More fair stuff--

Lacy little girl stuff, a first and a second.
And then more second place stuff--Fingerless Mitts, a Cotton hat and Tempting II!!

Not bad for some busy work and a sexy KAL!
Ok, so I made my decision. Six months ago I had decided to decide later. I guess now is later than before. Now I need to decide when. I need to set a date to move on.
If you didn't notice in my last post, I HATE CELEBRATIONS. I don't even know when my blog-a-versary is. I don't care. But I do need to set a goal date. June graduation is too far away, I'm afraid I would hurt someone if I had to wait that long. Sept. 12 is too soon, I feel I need to give them more time. But I do need to have a heart-to-heart with hubby. This weekend!
More fair stuff--

Lacy little girl stuff, a first and a second.
And then more second place stuff--Fingerless Mitts, a Cotton hat and Tempting II!!

Not bad for some busy work and a sexy KAL!
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Another Day, Another Dollar 2.98
1. So I bust my hump for the last two weeks at home and work. I've kept up on the dishes and even cohersed stubborn children into doing dishes and sweeping floor. I've neglected my bedroom for knitting and painting projects. I picked green beans and froze baggies of them and didn't ask for any help.
I just don't feel like I'm making any progress. I'm ready for a mental breakdown. Why? the price of gas is down to $2.79 here. I should be celebrating! R goes back to school next week (for the last time.)
2. But work has been a bit hairy @%@#. I'm doing my best, ok, so everyone slips once in a while. I was hoping a vacation would help--how can it, when I feel guilty about not being at work the whole time?
3. Now, I have two cousins with breast cancer and I'm coming up on their age when they were diagnosed. Daughters are in need of emotional of support; health, decisions, growing up. You would think I'd be down to 110 pounds with all this stress. Naw, I EAT when I'm stressed!
4. And I hate celebrations! Yes, really. Can we just get past this next anniversary? I mean, I love my husband dearly, don't know what I'd do without him. But people expect things. Just because we've been married 25 years. I would prefer to celebrate that time when we decided we were committed to each other, that would be sometime in August and 27 years ago. The wedding ceremony was Sept. 12, 1981, just a date in time.
So what's my next move, I'm open to suggestions.
I just don't feel like I'm making any progress. I'm ready for a mental breakdown. Why? the price of gas is down to $2.79 here. I should be celebrating! R goes back to school next week (for the last time.)
2. But work has been a bit hairy @%@#. I'm doing my best, ok, so everyone slips once in a while. I was hoping a vacation would help--how can it, when I feel guilty about not being at work the whole time?
3. Now, I have two cousins with breast cancer and I'm coming up on their age when they were diagnosed. Daughters are in need of emotional of support; health, decisions, growing up. You would think I'd be down to 110 pounds with all this stress. Naw, I EAT when I'm stressed!
4. And I hate celebrations! Yes, really. Can we just get past this next anniversary? I mean, I love my husband dearly, don't know what I'd do without him. But people expect things. Just because we've been married 25 years. I would prefer to celebrate that time when we decided we were committed to each other, that would be sometime in August and 27 years ago. The wedding ceremony was Sept. 12, 1981, just a date in time.
So what's my next move, I'm open to suggestions.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Fair Entries Return Home
I've been slacking lately here but not elsewhere. I returned home and vowed to take pictures of all my fair entries with their place tags. Wow, I was surprised! These were the first places!

We have Fair Isle Socks and Simple Pants (machine knit),
and below is a simple shell (sewing) and a Twisty T-Top,

and a lovely Fair Isle Cape (stash reduction project).

We have Fair Isle Socks and Simple Pants (machine knit),
and below is a simple shell (sewing) and a Twisty T-Top,

and a lovely Fair Isle Cape (stash reduction project).
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Tempting II KAL with Sexy Knitters Club

I see I look more and more like my aunts every day :( I'm not real happy with that. I love my aunts, don't get me wrong! But I really thought that will all the heat as of late I would have melted somewhat.
Anyway, I'm not real happy with the neckline of the sweater, but left the life line in, in case I needed to frog AGAIN.
I'm back to walking now that the heat has subsided. Believe it or not, in Northern Michigan we had 90+ heat for several days. We northerners aren't used to such heat. But thank goodness for the many inland lakes, streams and rivers which we partook of during those days.
I've been going through the phase of being selfish and pissy about everything. Maybe it's my age, 43. Maybe it's the summer. Maybe its that this is the year of our 25th anniversary (yes, I married just after high school). Whatever it is, I think I'm annoying everyone I come in contact with--family, friends (if I have any left). What to do, what to do?
Any-who, I'm registered for the knitting retreat in Grand Rapids the weekend after my anniversary. Volunteer stuff is popping up all over. Fair is in 2 weeks and I need to make a few more things to enter. This is the last year of high school for my baby girl (#2 in the class ya know!!!) So what's to be sad about--I got so much crap going on!! What's my problem? Heck, I don't know!
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Cooler Now

Last week was so flippin' hot I did absolutely no walking at all. I was afraid that my fitness progress was lost, but due to the heat and minimal menus and lots of water, I didn't do to bad. Got back on track by walking 3 miles yesterday and another 3 today.
I shot a few more tracks on the walk this morning. I believe this is another pic of Elki's footprint.

Saturday, July 08, 2006
Tracks in the Forest

Last update was knitting. This one's walking.
I've been walking off and on for several years. A long time ago (when I was in my 20s) I told myself that when I reached my 40s I would take care of myself and walk every day. A few years ago, when I reached 40, I realized, "Oh shite, I gotta do that now!" because I always do what I say I'm gonna do.
So I walk at least 3 days a week with my familiar, Precious Lady Jane.
We have several regular routes and over the last couple years we look for different things, seasonal changes, tracks, berries and critters.

About a year ago I came across a track I was unsure of; the tracks at the top of the pic are definately deer, but the tracks at the bottom were 'different'. As a former farmer, I knew they were not cattle tracks, nor horse tracks. And according to Department of Natural Resources officers, "There are no elk in this area." I beg to differ--I've seen these tracks for at least a year and 2 weeks ago my suspicions were confirmed!! Hubby and I saw Eldon (the elk) crossing the road only a mile and a half from the house!
I did a little more picture taking to confirm my suspicions. Left pic is Eldon's track, middle is the measuring stick and ruler for scale (6"), right pic is Bucky deer's track. Bucky's foot print is only 2", Eldon's is much closer to 3" and rounder. (And yes, I name most the critters I come across.) I would like to say to the Michigan DNR--you're wrong, na, na, na, na, na!

Saturday, July 01, 2006
Another Post, So Soon?
Candle Flame Scarf is progressing, another 18 rows or half a pattern repeat, is compete.
Now, I clicked a quick pick of what's on the needles. I don't have an obsession? Do I? Obviously, the Sweet Pea (purpley) is the Candle Flame Scarf. On the top right is a toe-up sock pattern I'm creating. The yarn in Utopia that was acquired at the LYS from the discontiued bin!! At the bottom in medium blue TLC Cotton Plus is Sexy Knitters Club KAL, Tempting II.

Sunday, June 25, 2006
Dear Reader
Reader Dawn,
To begin your own blog look at the top of the page, see way up there to the right? Yes, that's right. The button that says 'Get Your Own Blog'. Click on that and Blogger will walk you through the process. I must say, some of it gets a little sticky, like adding links, but, you're smart, you can to it. Let me know when you get that baby up and running so I can link to your blog.
Knitwise I'm searching for yarn for the Sexy Knitters Club KAL Tempting II. I could just order it online, which now that it's mere days away from the beginning I am obligated to.
There was progress on the Candle Flame Shawl, but alas, I ended up frogging 7 rows. I am not opting for inserting a 'life line' every 18 rows (1/2 the pattern rows) to cut down on the vulgar language that emits from my mouth and the delay in progress every week.
To begin your own blog look at the top of the page, see way up there to the right? Yes, that's right. The button that says 'Get Your Own Blog'. Click on that and Blogger will walk you through the process. I must say, some of it gets a little sticky, like adding links, but, you're smart, you can to it. Let me know when you get that baby up and running so I can link to your blog.
Knitwise I'm searching for yarn for the Sexy Knitters Club KAL Tempting II. I could just order it online, which now that it's mere days away from the beginning I am obligated to.
There was progress on the Candle Flame Shawl, but alas, I ended up frogging 7 rows. I am not opting for inserting a 'life line' every 18 rows (1/2 the pattern rows) to cut down on the vulgar language that emits from my mouth and the delay in progress every week.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Seasons/Knitting Progress

The last day of April I took a pic of an area I walk through almost day. It looked barren and desolate, sad to say the least. Six weeks later it looks a bit different. Yes really, see the little tree? That was the twig in the April pic. Mother Nature is just amazing!
As for knitting, I've made a bit of progress

on the Candle Flame shawl. I'm into the third repeat and can knit a few rows while watching TV!

Sunday, May 28, 2006
Long Time, No Post

Here is the newest addition to our family, and a life goal realized. Tony has always wanted a Chevy TopKick (ton and a half truck). It's the newest vehicle we own, a 1999. He has plans for modifications up the waazoo. I'm just hoping he fixes the passenger window!
The track meets are done for the season and I was able to finally stop at the LYS and show Mary some of my work. The Dutch Oven Yarn Shop has been around for as long as I can remember. I even got some bargain shopping in.
Let's see, what else has happened??--My birthday was May 2, Tony's birthday was May 22 (yea, ain't that funny). I'm 345 days younger than my hubby. We have both reached our mid-40s.

Here's something I'm looking forward too--blueberries! And the strawberries are blooming right now.
This being Memorial Day weekend, is the traditional time to plant the garden in Northern Michigan, but it's raining now :( And we were up at 5:40 this morning taking clothes off the clothes line! I left them up last night not expecting rain this morning.
I was all geeked for this weekend, making lists, planning plans, and what did I do yesterday? I managed to get clothes on the solar powered dryer (AKA clothes line) and then I sat on the couch and watched goofy sci fi movies for most of the afternoon. I knit of few rows of Candle Flame Scarf, napped and knit a few more rows. Now

Saturday, May 06, 2006
Spring in the North Country

We don't have the lushness (yet) that I've seen posted from southern and western bloggers by now. But Mother Nature is at work quietly.

is Jane doing? Hunting chipmunks. She spent about 5 minutes trying to catch this one. It ran back and forth in the log just toying with her. Then ran out the other end and up a tree.
Jane is my therapist. She walks with me, listens to my rants and assists in all my doings including gardening, laundry and knitting. Our walks are very benefitial for my spiritual self. I used to feel guilty about not attending (sitting painfully in) a church regularly. I now consider these walks my worship time. Being of the earth, I need to commune with it almost daily. My spirit is much lifted with walking. Blessed Spring to you!
Friday, April 28, 2006
Volunteer Extrordinaire!
This is the first post since track and field season started 3 weeks ago. What have I been doing? This week when like so--
Sunday: shop for track meet ($290 of candy!)
Monday: work til 3, track meet from 3:30 to 8:45 (13 schools)
Tuesday: work til 3, sleep
Wednesday: Work til 3, sleep
Thursday: Work til 3, track meet from 4 to 6:30
Friday: walk, garden, laundry, and then ??? hubby asked if I had plans for tonight. Is he up to something?
Next week meets are Tues and Thurs (big one again 14 schools)
I haven't had hardly a minute to do any knitting until today.
Machine knitters meet tomorrow, so I better get something made before then.
Sunday: shop for track meet ($290 of candy!)
Monday: work til 3, track meet from 3:30 to 8:45 (13 schools)
Tuesday: work til 3, sleep
Wednesday: Work til 3, sleep
Thursday: Work til 3, track meet from 4 to 6:30
Friday: walk, garden, laundry, and then ??? hubby asked if I had plans for tonight. Is he up to something?
Next week meets are Tues and Thurs (big one again 14 schools)
I haven't had hardly a minute to do any knitting until today.
Machine knitters meet tomorrow, so I better get something made before then.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
That would be me. Not that I've been slacking in my whole life--no. Just blogging. I finished the Cardinal Cardis and gifted them away last Sunday. Sweet, Sweet pleasure of gifting.
Only walked 1 day this week. Did run 2 track meet concessions though. They're a lot of work but I forget to drink water. Then I just ache afterward.
Added insurance to the teeny truck, got Easter stuff, knit, but no walking.
I've started on the Candle Flame wrap free download from KnitPicks using Gossamer instead. Pictures soon.
Now to start on the list for today--bank, last minute groceries for Sunday, walk, laundry, clean the house.
Happy Easter to those that celebrate--Ostara was celebrated in March!!
Only walked 1 day this week. Did run 2 track meet concessions though. They're a lot of work but I forget to drink water. Then I just ache afterward.
Added insurance to the teeny truck, got Easter stuff, knit, but no walking.
I've started on the Candle Flame wrap free download from KnitPicks using Gossamer instead. Pictures soon.
Now to start on the list for today--bank, last minute groceries for Sunday, walk, laundry, clean the house.
Happy Easter to those that celebrate--Ostara was celebrated in March!!
Friday, March 24, 2006
Just Wait, the Answers Will Come
Norma is a bit moody, as am I. I sympathize with her. Now add to that--an industrious 16 year old who's never home because she's working and an almost 20 year old trying to find herself (in my household). Enter my day off and some time to surf. What did I come across? Yahoo horoscope for moi, a Taurus--
Talk about stressed. You've been worried about a dear one for what seems like forever, and you're not ready to quit just yet -- especially because they're refusing to take your advice. The advice they asked for, by the way. Well, you can only do so much. Keep that in mind, and don't feel bad if they do something that you know won't help their cause. You can help others, but you can't live their lives for them. Sure, it's been said before, but it's true.
The answer was there--the answer to the question that's been driving me nuts for months. I can't live her life for her--BUT--I can reinforce the household rules!! :)
On the walking front, I had 7 miles in by Tuesday at 5 p.m., then slacked Wednesday for homebody stuff (making dinner and dessert) and Thursday because of said almost 20 year old annoying the hell out of me. Back at it today, going for 10 miles this week! Oh, and the taxes are done and the new printer is installed.
On top of that, Jane (the most Precious Lady Jane, chocolate lab extrordinare, and semi-human family member) took on the spring animal challege. On Monday, the vernal equinox, spring began at 1:21 p.m., GMT. A mere 53 hours later, Wednesday evening, 10 p.m. EST, she found a waking skunk!
Hooray, spring is here!
Talk about stressed. You've been worried about a dear one for what seems like forever, and you're not ready to quit just yet -- especially because they're refusing to take your advice. The advice they asked for, by the way. Well, you can only do so much. Keep that in mind, and don't feel bad if they do something that you know won't help their cause. You can help others, but you can't live their lives for them. Sure, it's been said before, but it's true.
The answer was there--the answer to the question that's been driving me nuts for months. I can't live her life for her--BUT--I can reinforce the household rules!! :)
On the walking front, I had 7 miles in by Tuesday at 5 p.m., then slacked Wednesday for homebody stuff (making dinner and dessert) and Thursday because of said almost 20 year old annoying the hell out of me. Back at it today, going for 10 miles this week! Oh, and the taxes are done and the new printer is installed.
On top of that, Jane (the most Precious Lady Jane, chocolate lab extrordinare, and semi-human family member) took on the spring animal challege. On Monday, the vernal equinox, spring began at 1:21 p.m., GMT. A mere 53 hours later, Wednesday evening, 10 p.m. EST, she found a waking skunk!
Hooray, spring is here!
Sunday, March 19, 2006
2nd Try

Looky Looky, I did it! 3 Cardis on the bed.
On the right is #2 in the progress of duplicate stitching (Swiss darning) the branches and birds. The thought of carrying bobbins of 5 different colors and trying to follow the graphs was not my cup'o tea, and I have done very little Swiss darning. Now I'm getting proficient at darning both right and left handed. ( I be a lefty!)

I've also done some prototype work for an interior designer I met recently. She has designed some of the most adorable stuff for kids rooms. And she has an adorable butterfly cursor!
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Looky-Looky! No Not Really
Check it out--making progress!!! 3 cardinal cardigans in progress. I finally made a point to take some pics. Birds on one done, birds on two doing, birds on three waiting.
So why won't the damn pictures load!!!!!
Maybe tomorrow.
On the fitness front, walking more every week; but no change on the scale!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGG! Will it ever change?? Maybe the blood pressure is going down, one can only hope.
Stephanie--love the new office!! I'll give a tour of my pig-sty next week.
So why won't the damn pictures load!!!!!
Maybe tomorrow.
On the fitness front, walking more every week; but no change on the scale!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGG! Will it ever change?? Maybe the blood pressure is going down, one can only hope.
Stephanie--love the new office!! I'll give a tour of my pig-sty next week.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Business Busy and Special People
Yep, so I wanted to go into business for myself. And 2, count'em, 2 paying jobs have fallen into my lap this week. Hooray! 7 choir gowns and 2 vests to alter along with 20 necklaces for same. And then some prototype work for an interior designer!! And I'm ahead of schedule with both!
And not to forget one the most important men in my life--
And not to forget one the most important men in my life--
Happy Birthday Dad!!
What would I like you to know about my DAD? I think he is one of the smartest people I know. He is a fabulous woodsmith, great cook and gardener extrordinaire. I hope someday to grow up and be just like him!
What would I like you to know about my DAD? I think he is one of the smartest people I know. He is a fabulous woodsmith, great cook and gardener extrordinaire. I hope someday to grow up and be just like him!
Sunday, February 26, 2006
94.5" and Counting

I see that I haven't posted recently--I'm so lame. But it's been snowing here, up to 94.5" for the season. "To right you see the Exploder (Ford Explorer) in the back yard and yes that is a pile of snow my hubby has plowed--that's a small pile. And I cheated and took the pic through the window because it was -2 F this morning. Consider this--IF the Exploder is 6' tall AND the snow is piled higher than the Exploder THEN the snow pile is more than 6' high. That is the extend of my higher math skills. And remember, that's one of the small piles of snow. A quick check shows at least 8 snow piles from the plowing, some being 40 feet long and blocking the view of the neighbors homes!
On the other hand, I have been walking regularly; 4 days this week. My butt's really nice shape and the belly is shrinking but no weight loss to register yet. The goal is to bring the blood pressure down from 140/90 (which caused the Dr. to panic!!), and I also found out it reduces night sweats (yes, already at 42) and eases the early arthritis--geez, my life sucks!!!
To all those that participated in the Knitting Olympics--Great Job!!! I just never got around to registering. I did register to participate in Trisha Shafer's Round Yoke Sweater Knit-Along and then set a tremendous goal of finishing all THREE round yoke sweaters--Mary Maxim Cardinal Cardigans by the end of February.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Snow Again
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
New Book!
Got my first Yarn Harlot book this week!!!! Steph, you're great--I thought you'd be blonder. Love ya babe!
Friday, January 27, 2006
Friday again
No pics, sorry. I sent the two sweaters I've made recently to work with hubby. They were baby size sample nordics.
Nordic research has been difficult at best--everywhere I look on the web just sells nordics, hard to find info about the history of these beautys. I did find a catalogue with lovely pics which i'm using for reference. Next move will be to get a book on Norwegian sweaters, history of the sweater and the land they came from.
A local radio station has 'No Refusal Fridays'--looking for obscure music from the 60s to the 90s to play. J and I have begun a list of obscure requests. What fun!!!
The weekly walking is going well, 4 days last week, only 2 so far this week but there are 2 more days.
Nordic research has been difficult at best--everywhere I look on the web just sells nordics, hard to find info about the history of these beautys. I did find a catalogue with lovely pics which i'm using for reference. Next move will be to get a book on Norwegian sweaters, history of the sweater and the land they came from.
A local radio station has 'No Refusal Fridays'--looking for obscure music from the 60s to the 90s to play. J and I have begun a list of obscure requests. What fun!!!
The weekly walking is going well, 4 days last week, only 2 so far this week but there are 2 more days.
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Really, Jane, You're a Dog

In contrast to Yarn Harlot's problem with her pet; this was next to me when I woke up this morning. I was under the green/yellow blanket, she was snuggled up next to me. I'm not sure how I rate in this relationship, I always end up with her butt at my face. In dog-ese is that good? Earlier in the morning, on the far side of the bed was the hubby. So Jane was sandwiched be-tween the two of us.
On the knitting front I zipped up a pair of pants to see how they would work out. Elastic waist, straight legs, forest green. Gosh, I could take a picture couldn't I.
Next project is a couple Nordic style sweaters. I'll make a wee one first to see how everything works out. The yarn is som 2/24 acrylic from a friend who had her own company and did production knitting. A cone of 2/24 (3 pounds) last FOREVER!!!! even when running to strands together!
Friday, January 13, 2006
Trail Walking
On one of our trail walks, not possible now because of the snow, Jane Dog and I came upon this. Yes, this is a chair in the middle of the trail, facing south, around 4 p.m., hence the shadow.

It's strange what you find in the woods in Northern Michigan.
This is one of the crooked trees on my trail.

What I'm looking for here is some encouragement--it's ok to enjoy life a bit, not everything I do has to be for others. This is for me--walking for cardio, mental, spiritual and overall fitness. Enjoy the beauty of my world.

It's strange what you find in the woods in Northern Michigan.
This is one of the crooked trees on my trail.

What I'm looking for here is some encouragement--it's ok to enjoy life a bit, not everything I do has to be for others. This is for me--walking for cardio, mental, spiritual and overall fitness. Enjoy the beauty of my world.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Another Day, Another Headache

Isn't that just cute! It's a little man suit,
cardigan, shirt and shorts in forest green.
I had to force myself to keep working on it.
First the shorts, easy enough.
Then the cardi, drop shoulder, v neck.
Then the shirt. But I got it all done. Now just to sew on the tags and buttons.
Now, for some reason I've had a headache most the afternoon, then a tummy ache. Neither seem to be terminal, just annoying.
Last week, locally, was very sad. A senior at the high school took his own life on Thursday. Then on Friday, while a gentleman was skiing, he died suddenly, age 49. His wife works at the school! The town is silently waiting for #3.
On a similar subject--this is the third suicide in as many years in the area. That doesn't count the attempteds that were unsuccessful. We are a small rural community of approximately 2000. That seems pretty high statistically as far as I'm concerned. I personally have had my own dealings with depression and am concerned how families are handling this sensitive subject. I believe talking openly with family is good, especially when dealing with sensitive subjects such as death. Keeping it all inside caused much distress for me and my family. Openness and discussion helped me so much more.
I think of the families affected and pray for them often. Blessings to all.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
January is Here

Since the holidays I have made a sweater and socks for the hubby, socks for me, a red and black baby sweater, and 2/3 of a little man suit of cardigan, shorts and shirt. Next I'm making something for the most important person--ME.
On the national front, Michigan, the state I call home, is #1 in something--we are the fattest state in the nation! Isn't that exciting!
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