This is Jane. Jane is 6. As you can see, Jane is clearly a Chocolate Lab. Jane thinks she is a people. She can tell time; 7 p.m. is bone time. She knows what day of the week it is. Today is Saturday, today is snuggle w/mom day.
Jane was striken with an awful disease last weekend--Peanut butterus nositis, she it there on the end of her nose just above her snout? It usually occurs on evenings and weekends when crappy movies are on and her peeps are eating peanut butter and crackers. Somehow during the movie, a dollup of peanut butter migrated, through thin air, to the end of her nose. This disease causes tongue enlongation, and taste bud frustration on the dogs part and hysterical belly laughs on the humans part.
Knit-wise--SKB is coming along slowly; I've started a felted purse from Mason-Dixon and have procured a booth and one of Northern Michigan's largest craft shows the day after Thanksgiving. Wish me lots of luck, I've never done the craft show thing before!!
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