Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Patience is a Virture

I've been such a good girl, waiting for this day to post. I didn't want t jinx it. J and B found an apartment about 2 weeks ago, but I didn't want to say anything until that actually moved in. Last night they got the key and boy did we move them fast! J had lots of stuff packed up already and her car loaded. B got home about 5 and we started loading the cars! By the time J got home ad 5:30 we had the majority of stuff loaded, just the large items left.
A 4 vehicle caravan traversed the treacherous 5 miles (downhill) to town. We unloaded boxes and tubs in the rain, stuffing them all into the tiny apartment. I returned home to find hubby eating the last of the cheese cake and complaining of hunger pangs. I zipped him into gear--Let's get this kid moved!!!! So we loaded up a few more tubs, the bed and a shelf unit. Delivered the items before they got too damp and slurpped down a piece of pizza from the kids.
Now the hard work begins--cleaning out their former room as it becomes my KNITTING/SEWING STUDIO!!!!!! 14x20 of knitting and sewing luxury!!! The small bedroom that was using before will become an extenstion of our bedroom, making a suite for the married couple.

1 comment:

Dana said...

Congratulations! Enjoy your re-claimed space!!