In contrast to Yarn Harlot's problem with her pet; this was next to me when I woke up this morning. I was under the green/yellow blanket, she was snuggled up next to me. I'm not sure how I rate in this relationship, I always end up with her butt at my face. In dog-ese is that good? Earlier in the morning, on the far side of the bed was the hubby. So Jane was sandwiched be-tween the two of us.
On the knitting front I zipped up a pair of pants to see how they would work out. Elastic waist, straight legs, forest green. Gosh, I could take a picture couldn't I.
Next project is a couple Nordic style sweaters. I'll make a wee one first to see how everything works out. The yarn is som 2/24 acrylic from a friend who had her own company and did production knitting. A cone of 2/24 (3 pounds) last FOREVER!!!! even when running to strands together!
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