This coming Sunday, Sept. 10 will be our school Boosters 13 annual Cow Pie Bingo. We lead a bovine onto the football field to 'drop a plop'.
Then on Sept. 12 is my and my everloving's 25 anniversary.
Which crams lots of stuff into a few days, because on the 14th I head for Grand Rapids for the annual Knitter's Retreat. Two terrific days of knitting, this year we will have machine and hand knitting. Check out what's going on here.

OK, last weekend for review--tractor pulls at the Chippewa County Fair and my vacation. On Thursday, we participated in the the dead weight pull, my first time. I entered in the 3000 lb class with the 1954 Oliver 66. My first pull I managed a half inch, really, just a half inch; second pull--FULL PULL! The next and last puller, the only other lady in the class; full pull! They added 500 pounds to the sled and we had a pull-off! I pulled 6", whoo-hoo! Which actually was the winning pull because my opponent only managed 3".
Friday, was not as fulfilling. I slipped the tractor into high gear, stalled the tractor, fouled the plugs and messed up the carburetor. I had to scratch both classes. We returned home Friday night for a hot shower and repairs to my tractor.

And, sorry, he's not available.
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