I see that I haven't posted recently--I'm so lame. But it's been snowing here, up to 94.5" for the season. "To right you see the Exploder (Ford Explorer) in the back yard and yes that is a pile of snow my hubby has plowed--that's a small pile. And I cheated and took the pic through the window because it was -2 F this morning. Consider this--IF the Exploder is 6' tall AND the snow is piled higher than the Exploder THEN the snow pile is more than 6' high. That is the extend of my higher math skills. And remember, that's one of the small piles of snow. A quick check shows at least 8 snow piles from the plowing, some being 40 feet long and blocking the view of the neighbors homes!
On the other hand, I have been walking regularly; 4 days this week. My butt's really nice shape and the belly is shrinking but no weight loss to register yet. The goal is to bring the blood pressure down from 140/90 (which caused the Dr. to panic!!), and I also found out it reduces night sweats (yes, already at 42) and eases the early arthritis--geez, my life sucks!!!
To all those that participated in the Knitting Olympics--Great Job!!! I just never got around to registering. I did register to participate in Trisha Shafer's Round Yoke Sweater Knit-Along and then set a tremendous goal of finishing all THREE round yoke sweaters--Mary Maxim Cardinal Cardigans by the end of February.
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