Sunday, March 15, 2009

Another First

Last night we were invited to Connie's to play Euchre. Euchre, pronounced U-kr, a card game played frequently in Northern Michigan by people who can't spell it.
I'm honest about this, I'm a terrible player. I've watched Euchre for more than 25years. When the guys got together, I was always the fifth wheel so I watched. And when the girls were old enough to play, Tony and girls played together, again I was the fifth wheel. But I guess I did ok last night. We drew numbers out of a hat and that was your partner for 12 hands. Seven games like that. High score wins. That wasn't me. I kind of felt bad for my partners for a bit, then I realized we all had crappy hands most of the night. Not much you can do with a four suited hand regardless how good a player you are.
It ended up be an enjoyable evening, meeting new people, eating chips and kitty litter cake. Tell me where else you can have that much fun for $3?

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