Friday, March 24, 2006

Just Wait, the Answers Will Come

Norma is a bit moody, as am I. I sympathize with her. Now add to that--an industrious 16 year old who's never home because she's working and an almost 20 year old trying to find herself (in my household). Enter my day off and some time to surf. What did I come across? Yahoo horoscope for moi, a Taurus--
Talk about stressed. You've been worried about a dear one for what seems like forever, and you're not ready to quit just yet -- especially because they're refusing to take your advice. The advice they asked for, by the way. Well, you can only do so much. Keep that in mind, and don't feel bad if they do something that you know won't help their cause. You can help others, but you can't live their lives for them. Sure, it's been said before, but it's true.
The answer was there--the answer to the question that's been driving me nuts for months. I can't live her life for her--BUT--I can reinforce the household rules!! :)
On the walking front, I had 7 miles in by Tuesday at 5 p.m., then slacked Wednesday for homebody stuff (making dinner and dessert) and Thursday because of said almost 20 year old annoying the hell out of me. Back at it today, going for 10 miles this week! Oh, and the taxes are done and the new printer is installed.
On top of that, Jane (the most Precious Lady Jane, chocolate lab extrordinare, and semi-human family member) took on the spring animal challege. On Monday, the vernal equinox, spring began at 1:21 p.m., GMT. A mere 53 hours later, Wednesday evening, 10 p.m. EST, she found a waking skunk!
Hooray, spring is here!

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