Monday, June 16, 2008

Now It's June

I know, it's been awhile. I've been busy.
I'm not a dedicated blogger like Norma or Bron or Yarn Harlot, I'm such a slacker.
And because of this you can't see pictures of my garden nor any of the knitting projects finished. So I guess I'll just have to tell you about it all.
The garden is in--2 rows of potatoes, 2 rows of tomatoes, a row of green beans, 2 rows of corn, a triangle of onions and one of raspberries, a goodly crop of strawberries, some rhubarb and a lovely tractor tire of herbs.
Completed knitting projects include: tube socks in pink, a snug tank for R, a sleeveless sweater for me and a pair of pants from Rachelle Moffetts pants pattern (knit, frogged, and knit again because a small swatch didn't portray the true nature of the yarn in a large garment).
Healthwise I've been slacking a bit on the low carbs and walking. I'm getting in about 3 walks per week instead of the desired 5-6 walks. Carbs (pasta, potatoes, bread, rice, white flour stuff) are now on the list of no-nos, but they've been sneaking in the the eating plan on a daily basis.
Several weeks ago my allergies kicked up and I thought I was going to die from the coughing. After a regular check up, the new doc recommended I switch to a different high blood pressure med as one of the side effects of the one I was taking was coughing. Damn, and it was working well and it was cheap!
The G'Ma word may still be in my future. J is late again, about 4 weeks late now. Keep your fingers and toes crossed that things go well this time. She's a young, healthy woman with no bad habits.

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