The morning started early. We pulled into what used to be an empty field just last week to see a sea of tractors.
The good looking guy at the bottom of the pic is my everloving hubby of 27 years. And yes, on our 27th anniversary, we drove our tractors across the Mighty Mac!
Then we got the word it was time to head across the bridge. We fired up the tractors again, cruised through downtown Mackinaw City and then right onto the bridge! It was fabulous! It was such a rush! I don't remember being so excited about something in a long time. The weather was great, a bit of a breeze and I did end up taking my hat off on the bridge, but what a trip! People driving past us taking pictures. One van was passing us and they had the slider door open with a video camera going!
Once across the bridge we were greated with hundreds of watchers, through the toll booth and just on the other side was a sign on a van:
The next, and last stop was Kewadin Casino. I'm guessing we arrived there around 2:15 and obviously in the first group to arrive. I wanted to wait until all the tractors arrived before taking a picture. I found a good location on a rise to take some pics. What a tremendous sight! A sea of tractors! Nearly 700, each one with a driver.
I'm signing up for next year!
That was such a wonderful day. My husband, Scott, was the 20th tractor to cross the bridge. He wa like a little kid on Christmas!! September 11th was our 15th wedding anniversary. I told him next year, I was going to drive a tractor, too. We seen your sign. We thought that was amazing!! Hope to see you there next year.
Pam Graftema
Conklin, MI
dropping by from Norma's blog to see all the tractors. what fun. i lived in The Soo for a few months back in '76, long ago. i saw plenty of the sights of beautiful michagan but never heard of the tractor parade 'till now.
marie in florida
mym on Ravelry
Oh what to say about the ride!! It was the best trip of my life! I'm a 21 year old girl and this is something I will always remember doing with my father!! I hope we get to do it again next year!!
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