Sunday, November 16, 2008
Knit Night
Well, Dawn and I have been meeting regularly for Knit Night on Tuesdays for about 6 weeks. All local knitters/crafters are welcome. We've had up to 7 join us. This week I'm offering up my home to the group. Tuesdays at 7.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
I guess he's been kicked off TV. So sad. But--he was in northern Michigan this week. First in Boyne City on Thursday and in Cheboygan on Friday. R wanted to see him and asked if mom and dad wanted to go too! Of course! So we saw Gallagher live at The Opera House in Cheboygan last night. KEWL!
It was a good show. Tickets were $25 each, buy one get one free. Tony and I went, R brought J. Eldon and his little bro J. and then they picked up a friend, G. No, really, that's what he goes by, G, no abbreviations on that one.
We laughed so hard! for more than 2 hours. It was cool to see him in this smaller venue. The show started before the show started. He signed autographs before the show and took pictures. R and J. Eldon got their pic with him. Then he asked R to be a model during the show! So kewl!
Did you know that Gallagher is 63! He's had a heart attack. and he's still funny/goofy and thinking.
He told about his drive from Boyne City to Cheboygan and his stop in Petoskey. He saw the big hole in Petoskey, stopped at the 7-11 and ate at a restaurant there (Perry?).
It was a great evening and we had a great time. Now I need to get ready for Machine knitting meeting at 11.
It was a good show. Tickets were $25 each, buy one get one free. Tony and I went, R brought J. Eldon and his little bro J. and then they picked up a friend, G. No, really, that's what he goes by, G, no abbreviations on that one.
We laughed so hard! for more than 2 hours. It was cool to see him in this smaller venue. The show started before the show started. He signed autographs before the show and took pictures. R and J. Eldon got their pic with him. Then he asked R to be a model during the show! So kewl!
Did you know that Gallagher is 63! He's had a heart attack. and he's still funny/goofy and thinking.
He told about his drive from Boyne City to Cheboygan and his stop in Petoskey. He saw the big hole in Petoskey, stopped at the 7-11 and ate at a restaurant there (Perry?).
It was a great evening and we had a great time. Now I need to get ready for Machine knitting meeting at 11.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
October Vacation
Yes, I'm taking my vacation this week. What have I been doing? Cleaning and rearranging the house. First I cleaned R's room. She seems to be moving on, up and out. Very little left in there for my college sophomore.
I've never cleaned the girls rooms (unless they asked for help). I always felt their room, even if it was in my home, was their sanctuary, their own space. So it all of September for me to be able to go in their and touch stuff.
Next, I moved the twin bed from the other spare room into R's room. Cleaned up all my clothes in the spare room and moved the computer down there.
The intention was to make space in the living room for a woodstove. But after measuring for safety clearance, hubby doesn't think it will work. Brainstorming again.
Now that spent my vacation days cleaning and moving I need to spend some time in the workshop/studio/knit-sew room. While cleaning I found all my polymer clay with beads made up and ready to bake. I'm such a slacker sometimes.
I've never cleaned the girls rooms (unless they asked for help). I always felt their room, even if it was in my home, was their sanctuary, their own space. So it all of September for me to be able to go in their and touch stuff.
Next, I moved the twin bed from the other spare room into R's room. Cleaned up all my clothes in the spare room and moved the computer down there.
The intention was to make space in the living room for a woodstove. But after measuring for safety clearance, hubby doesn't think it will work. Brainstorming again.
Now that spent my vacation days cleaning and moving I need to spend some time in the workshop/studio/knit-sew room. While cleaning I found all my polymer clay with beads made up and ready to bake. I'm such a slacker sometimes.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Spinning, Spinning
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Mackinac Bridge Tractor Parade
The morning started early. We pulled into what used to be an empty field just last week to see a sea of tractors.
The good looking guy at the bottom of the pic is my everloving hubby of 27 years. And yes, on our 27th anniversary, we drove our tractors across the Mighty Mac!
Then we got the word it was time to head across the bridge. We fired up the tractors again, cruised through downtown Mackinaw City and then right onto the bridge! It was fabulous! It was such a rush! I don't remember being so excited about something in a long time. The weather was great, a bit of a breeze and I did end up taking my hat off on the bridge, but what a trip! People driving past us taking pictures. One van was passing us and they had the slider door open with a video camera going!
Once across the bridge we were greated with hundreds of watchers, through the toll booth and just on the other side was a sign on a van:
The next, and last stop was Kewadin Casino. I'm guessing we arrived there around 2:15 and obviously in the first group to arrive. I wanted to wait until all the tractors arrived before taking a picture. I found a good location on a rise to take some pics. What a tremendous sight! A sea of tractors! Nearly 700, each one with a driver.
I'm signing up for next year!
Monday, August 18, 2008
What a Wild Woolly Weekend!
No pics. I'm such a slacker that way.
Dawn and I went to Allegan to the Michigan Fiber Festival! Whoa! is the least I can say. We were so overwhelmed with wool fumes, drunked up on the rovings, raw fleeces, yarns, what else can I say.
We left at 7:20 a.m. and arrived in Allegan at 11:20. Snuck into the festival on Friday afternoon and shopped until 4. Saturday we shopped from 9:30 until we ran out of money at 2. We couldn't believe the number of booths full of woolly goodness. We learned so much just checking out what each vendor carried. Wool, from most every breed of sheep. Different breeds have different attributes, some soft as baby butts, some coarser and more durable for rugs or shoes and that doesn't even count the alpaca, llama, goat, rabbit, dog an cat hair that can be spun into yarn. There was also silk, flax, cotton, bamboo, what a selection.
There was also fiber tools--spinning wheels, drop spindles, carding combs, drum carders, dyes, knitting needles and crochet hooks, tatting shuttles.
Not very many already made goods though. This was a festival for the craftsperson; for those who spin, knit crochet, felt, bead and such. And that was all in the first barn.
In the second barn was even more! More yarn, more rovings, for tools of the trades, just more!
On Saturday there were demonstrations of sheep herding with dogs and sheep sheering.
Over in the third and fourth barns were the animals. Sheep, goats, llamas, alpacas. Some were being shown for fleece quality, almost all had stock for sale. And the variety of sizes and colors of sheep and fleece; white, brown, rich chocolate brown, butterscotch, black, spotted, blotchy, friendly and shy, male and female, shorn and full and woolly. What a weekend!
We left all the critters there even though many wanted to sell to us.
We found some great bargains on yarn and beautiful rovings.
And what did I get? A drop spindle kit--decorated bag, drop spindle, 6 rovings and leaflets on how to use the drop spindle and a hat pattern; a 1/17 pound dye sucker skein of yarn, purples; 4 skeins of mill ends Socks That Rock and an 8 oz. roving of undyed merino; and a spotted ball of roving in blues and greens; 36 oz of spun alpaca that can be knit on the machine; and another spindle, lighter than the first.
What will I do this week? Finish up some volunteer duties, knit some swatches, spin some yarn, pick tomatoes, spin some yarn, knit some swatches--you get the idea.
Dawn and I went to Allegan to the Michigan Fiber Festival! Whoa! is the least I can say. We were so overwhelmed with wool fumes, drunked up on the rovings, raw fleeces, yarns, what else can I say.
We left at 7:20 a.m. and arrived in Allegan at 11:20. Snuck into the festival on Friday afternoon and shopped until 4. Saturday we shopped from 9:30 until we ran out of money at 2. We couldn't believe the number of booths full of woolly goodness. We learned so much just checking out what each vendor carried. Wool, from most every breed of sheep. Different breeds have different attributes, some soft as baby butts, some coarser and more durable for rugs or shoes and that doesn't even count the alpaca, llama, goat, rabbit, dog an cat hair that can be spun into yarn. There was also silk, flax, cotton, bamboo, what a selection.
There was also fiber tools--spinning wheels, drop spindles, carding combs, drum carders, dyes, knitting needles and crochet hooks, tatting shuttles.
Not very many already made goods though. This was a festival for the craftsperson; for those who spin, knit crochet, felt, bead and such. And that was all in the first barn.
In the second barn was even more! More yarn, more rovings, for tools of the trades, just more!
On Saturday there were demonstrations of sheep herding with dogs and sheep sheering.
Over in the third and fourth barns were the animals. Sheep, goats, llamas, alpacas. Some were being shown for fleece quality, almost all had stock for sale. And the variety of sizes and colors of sheep and fleece; white, brown, rich chocolate brown, butterscotch, black, spotted, blotchy, friendly and shy, male and female, shorn and full and woolly. What a weekend!
We left all the critters there even though many wanted to sell to us.
We found some great bargains on yarn and beautiful rovings.
And what did I get? A drop spindle kit--decorated bag, drop spindle, 6 rovings and leaflets on how to use the drop spindle and a hat pattern; a 1/17 pound dye sucker skein of yarn, purples; 4 skeins of mill ends Socks That Rock and an 8 oz. roving of undyed merino; and a spotted ball of roving in blues and greens; 36 oz of spun alpaca that can be knit on the machine; and another spindle, lighter than the first.
What will I do this week? Finish up some volunteer duties, knit some swatches, spin some yarn, pick tomatoes, spin some yarn, knit some swatches--you get the idea.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Gardening Along, But Not With Norma

T picked the green beans and we ended up with a meal and 6 cups to freeze. I've been checking on the cukes and have picked 7 and eaten 3. Yum, fresh veggies from the garden.
We can hardly walk down the rows of potatoes and tomatoes, the darn things are above my waist with blossoms all over.
These are the yummy cukes.
Knit-wise I preparing for the upcoming county fairs. An afghan, some socks, dish cloths and towels and whatever else I find around the house that was made in the last year.
All the sudden, T is raring to go to tractor pulls! With the price of fuel!! What's a woman to do. And what confuses me more--now WE have to cut back on energy use, electricity and just how are we gonna heat the house this winter. If he keeps up on the tractor pulls, I just don't know. But I'll be warm, me and Jane will cuddle and wear lots of woolie warm sweaters and socks.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Blessings to All
I was sitting here thinking about all the people I met at the Spring Fling in Peru, Indiana in April. Several of them were from the Midwest. I want to send all possible blessings and strength to those that may be affected by the Mighty Mississippi recently.
Blessings, Blessings, Blessings!!
Blessings, Blessings, Blessings!!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Now It's June
I know, it's been awhile. I've been busy.
I'm not a dedicated blogger like Norma or Bron or Yarn Harlot, I'm such a slacker.
And because of this you can't see pictures of my garden nor any of the knitting projects finished. So I guess I'll just have to tell you about it all.
The garden is in--2 rows of potatoes, 2 rows of tomatoes, a row of green beans, 2 rows of corn, a triangle of onions and one of raspberries, a goodly crop of strawberries, some rhubarb and a lovely tractor tire of herbs.
Completed knitting projects include: tube socks in pink, a snug tank for R, a sleeveless sweater for me and a pair of pants from Rachelle Moffetts pants pattern (knit, frogged, and knit again because a small swatch didn't portray the true nature of the yarn in a large garment).
Healthwise I've been slacking a bit on the low carbs and walking. I'm getting in about 3 walks per week instead of the desired 5-6 walks. Carbs (pasta, potatoes, bread, rice, white flour stuff) are now on the list of no-nos, but they've been sneaking in the the eating plan on a daily basis.
Several weeks ago my allergies kicked up and I thought I was going to die from the coughing. After a regular check up, the new doc recommended I switch to a different high blood pressure med as one of the side effects of the one I was taking was coughing. Damn, and it was working well and it was cheap!
The G'Ma word may still be in my future. J is late again, about 4 weeks late now. Keep your fingers and toes crossed that things go well this time. She's a young, healthy woman with no bad habits.
I'm not a dedicated blogger like Norma or Bron or Yarn Harlot, I'm such a slacker.
And because of this you can't see pictures of my garden nor any of the knitting projects finished. So I guess I'll just have to tell you about it all.
The garden is in--2 rows of potatoes, 2 rows of tomatoes, a row of green beans, 2 rows of corn, a triangle of onions and one of raspberries, a goodly crop of strawberries, some rhubarb and a lovely tractor tire of herbs.
Completed knitting projects include: tube socks in pink, a snug tank for R, a sleeveless sweater for me and a pair of pants from Rachelle Moffetts pants pattern (knit, frogged, and knit again because a small swatch didn't portray the true nature of the yarn in a large garment).
Healthwise I've been slacking a bit on the low carbs and walking. I'm getting in about 3 walks per week instead of the desired 5-6 walks. Carbs (pasta, potatoes, bread, rice, white flour stuff) are now on the list of no-nos, but they've been sneaking in the the eating plan on a daily basis.
Several weeks ago my allergies kicked up and I thought I was going to die from the coughing. After a regular check up, the new doc recommended I switch to a different high blood pressure med as one of the side effects of the one I was taking was coughing. Damn, and it was working well and it was cheap!
The G'Ma word may still be in my future. J is late again, about 4 weeks late now. Keep your fingers and toes crossed that things go well this time. She's a young, healthy woman with no bad habits.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
All I Can Say Is . . . Wow.
Whoa, and Wow. Last week I mentioned the springing things I find on my walks. Ah, the signs of spring and trash dumping.
Well guess what? It's gone! All gone! I took a walk this afternoon and it was gone! Not a trace was left! I was awestruck! Really!
I don't know what caused the garbage to dissappear. It could have been my post here. It could have been my column in the Straitsland Resorter. Either way, I was pleased to see it be gone.
If the Department of Natural Resources removed it, okee dokee.
If the depositors removed it--WONDERFUL! I applaud you for taking care of your stuff.
I thank you and Mother Nature thanks you. Blessed Be.
Well guess what? It's gone! All gone! I took a walk this afternoon and it was gone! Not a trace was left! I was awestruck! Really!
I don't know what caused the garbage to dissappear. It could have been my post here. It could have been my column in the Straitsland Resorter. Either way, I was pleased to see it be gone.
If the Department of Natural Resources removed it, okee dokee.
If the depositors removed it--WONDERFUL! I applaud you for taking care of your stuff.
I thank you and Mother Nature thanks you. Blessed Be.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Ah, The Signs of Spring--NOT!
I've been walking several days a week for several years, on a couple trails near my home. During the winter I stick to the road as the trails don't get plowed. Today was the first day I ventured onto the trail this spring and I was greeted with signs of spring.
Not sprouting plants or cute little bunnies, but TRASH DUMPING. Yes, really, trash.
My home is in a fairly rural area and near state land. I took a few pictures and should post them. What I found just a few hundred yards off the main road (dirt road) and three feet off the 2-track trail in three separate piles--
at least 6 garbage bags full of clothing, bedding and such
decorative wooden shelf
cardboard boxes
miscellaneous household items, some with garage sale price tags!
Whatever the reason for such dumpings, it is not necessary or acceptable! There are many agencies willing to take such goods including Salvation Army, Goodwill and locally, The Goldmine Shop, Bargains and Blessings and Joy Fellowship Church. These groups take donations for the needy.
Now for those who don't live in rural areas--this is a common event in the spring. It's always a surprise what you will find on your favorite walking trail or near your favorite berry patch in the woods. We find refrigerators, washers, dryers, cars, tires, propane tanks, and more because people are too CHEAP to get rid of their trash responsibily.
And what a way to treat Mother Nature! Most of the items could be recycled or reused even as grease rags.
And that's my rant for today!
Not sprouting plants or cute little bunnies, but TRASH DUMPING. Yes, really, trash.
My home is in a fairly rural area and near state land. I took a few pictures and should post them. What I found just a few hundred yards off the main road (dirt road) and three feet off the 2-track trail in three separate piles--
at least 6 garbage bags full of clothing, bedding and such
decorative wooden shelf
cardboard boxes
miscellaneous household items, some with garage sale price tags!
Whatever the reason for such dumpings, it is not necessary or acceptable! There are many agencies willing to take such goods including Salvation Army, Goodwill and locally, The Goldmine Shop, Bargains and Blessings and Joy Fellowship Church. These groups take donations for the needy.
Now for those who don't live in rural areas--this is a common event in the spring. It's always a surprise what you will find on your favorite walking trail or near your favorite berry patch in the woods. We find refrigerators, washers, dryers, cars, tires, propane tanks, and more because people are too CHEAP to get rid of their trash responsibily.
And what a way to treat Mother Nature! Most of the items could be recycled or reused even as grease rags.
And that's my rant for today!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
What a Weekend!
On Thursday, Dawn and I took off for Indiana. She's traveled around the states much more than I. This was my first trip to Indiana.
The first thing I noticed in Indiana is their is 'pride in ownership' of most of the homes we passed. And their road numbering system is still puzzling me.
The homes were beautiful in Logansport. We even traveled to Peru, Mexico, Chili and Denver!
But the purpose of our trip was the Spring Fling hosted by the Knit Knack Shop.
We met great designers, great knitters, made friends, met internet friends and shopped till we dropped.
I thought I was getting a lot of yarn, until I saw a car parked at our hotel and the whole back seat was full--at least 3 large bags, plus many cases of yarns. My purchases only totaled $500. I'm sure that knitter had at least 4 times that much--unless there was some stashed in trunk!
Lots of tips, ideas, designs, new products to try and great new yarns to sample.
This was my second seminar this year--I'm planning for at least one more this year and a stop at the Michigan Fiber Festival this August.
Now to sell some more knits!
The first thing I noticed in Indiana is their is 'pride in ownership' of most of the homes we passed. And their road numbering system is still puzzling me.
The homes were beautiful in Logansport. We even traveled to Peru, Mexico, Chili and Denver!
But the purpose of our trip was the Spring Fling hosted by the Knit Knack Shop.
We met great designers, great knitters, made friends, met internet friends and shopped till we dropped.
I thought I was getting a lot of yarn, until I saw a car parked at our hotel and the whole back seat was full--at least 3 large bags, plus many cases of yarns. My purchases only totaled $500. I'm sure that knitter had at least 4 times that much--unless there was some stashed in trunk!
Lots of tips, ideas, designs, new products to try and great new yarns to sample.
This was my second seminar this year--I'm planning for at least one more this year and a stop at the Michigan Fiber Festival this August.
Now to sell some more knits!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
We Have Pattern!
Here is my free pattern. I've adapted it from several other felted purses I've tried.
I used just shy of 8 oz of fisherman wool. If you make one, let me know what you think. Happy Knitting!
Felted Purse
Worsted weight 100% wool yarn, 8 oz.
Needles: size 15 circular, 24”, or size to obtain gauge.
Gauge—not important
Holding two strands together, cast on 11 stitches.
Knit every row (garter stitch) until you have 30 ridges (60 rows).
With 11 stitches on needle, pick up 30 stitches along one side, 11 stitches across end and 30 stitches along remaining side. This should bring you around to original 11 stitches. Place marker or safety pin to mark beginning of round. Move marker up as needed.
Knit even (knit every row) for at least 50 rows (rounds).
Handle section: Knit 2 together once.
Knit in seed or moss stitch (knit 1, purl 1) for 4 rows.
Row 5: Continue in seed stitch for 14 stitches. Bind off 10 stitches. Knit in seed stitch 41 stitches. Bind off 10 stitches, continue in seed stitch until beginning of round.
Row 6: Knit is seed stitch 14 stitches, cast on 10 stitches, continue knitting in pattern the 41 stitches on needle, cast on 10 stitches at the other bound off section, continue seed stitch pattern to beginning of round.
Row 7-10: Knit in seed stitch for 4 rows.
Bind off all stitches. Work in all ends.
To felt: Place purse in pillowcase or lingerie bag. Wash in washer on hot cycle with 1 tbsp detergent. Check every 5 minutes to see if it is felted to desired size. Dry by laying flat or in dryer. To felt smaller, repeat cycle.
I used just shy of 8 oz of fisherman wool. If you make one, let me know what you think. Happy Knitting!
Felted Purse
Worsted weight 100% wool yarn, 8 oz.
Needles: size 15 circular, 24”, or size to obtain gauge.
Gauge—not important
Holding two strands together, cast on 11 stitches.
Knit every row (garter stitch) until you have 30 ridges (60 rows).
With 11 stitches on needle, pick up 30 stitches along one side, 11 stitches across end and 30 stitches along remaining side. This should bring you around to original 11 stitches. Place marker or safety pin to mark beginning of round. Move marker up as needed.
Knit even (knit every row) for at least 50 rows (rounds).
Handle section: Knit 2 together once.
Knit in seed or moss stitch (knit 1, purl 1) for 4 rows.
Row 5: Continue in seed stitch for 14 stitches. Bind off 10 stitches. Knit in seed stitch 41 stitches. Bind off 10 stitches, continue in seed stitch until beginning of round.
Row 6: Knit is seed stitch 14 stitches, cast on 10 stitches, continue knitting in pattern the 41 stitches on needle, cast on 10 stitches at the other bound off section, continue seed stitch pattern to beginning of round.
Row 7-10: Knit in seed stitch for 4 rows.
Bind off all stitches. Work in all ends.
To felt: Place purse in pillowcase or lingerie bag. Wash in washer on hot cycle with 1 tbsp detergent. Check every 5 minutes to see if it is felted to desired size. Dry by laying flat or in dryer. To felt smaller, repeat cycle.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Hard Work
Gosh, this is the hardest work I've done in a long time! But, it's paying off. Lost another pound this week. I'll keep up the work if this is gonna happen. The last several times I've tried to loose fat were so disappointing. I worked for so long and hard and after 9 months I managed to loose 5 lbs. It's only been 5 weeks! and I've lost 5 lbs! I'm feeling that the Protein Power idea is the right thing for me. But I am getting tired of salad already. Time for grocery shopping again. I hate shopping!
Walking is getting easier now that the ice has melted from the road. And now it's time to do that.
Walking is getting easier now that the ice has melted from the road. And now it's time to do that.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
I kinda like my name the way it is
Norma, of Now Norma Knits 2 is considering changing her blog name. Mine's gonna stay the same for now.
Last weekend I went to visit my sister for the first time in several years. Not that she's that far away, 2.5 hours. But, our lives were traveling in different directions. We would call and chat periodically, but a visit just wasn't in the cards for us during that time.
With her elopement and my bit of spare time, I decided to take time for a visit. We had tons to talk about. She is now married and has two step-sons and a wonderful husband. I have an empty nest and less responsibilities holding me to home. It was great!
During this time we discussed health issues that are plaguing both of us. She is ahead of me in the research department; I am just coming out of denial about my health. She shared her new favorite book, Protein Power by Michael R. Eades, MD and Mary Dan Eades, MD. It has some very good points and answers to some questions that have been nagging me for years.
Today is my first official day with their plan--it's the most work I've done in years AND I'm so very afraid of not being successful. I now realize I'm carrying around 60 pounds of fat which is very disturbing to me. I never thought in all my life I would look like my grandmother! I'm very sad about this revelation.
So, today, I began. And I will take it one day at a time, one bite at a time. And since I'm full I should go knit something.
I guess on the bright side--I didn't succumb to other temptations such as smoking, drinking, drugs or worse.
I guess it's back to knitting the socks.
Last weekend I went to visit my sister for the first time in several years. Not that she's that far away, 2.5 hours. But, our lives were traveling in different directions. We would call and chat periodically, but a visit just wasn't in the cards for us during that time.
With her elopement and my bit of spare time, I decided to take time for a visit. We had tons to talk about. She is now married and has two step-sons and a wonderful husband. I have an empty nest and less responsibilities holding me to home. It was great!
During this time we discussed health issues that are plaguing both of us. She is ahead of me in the research department; I am just coming out of denial about my health. She shared her new favorite book, Protein Power by Michael R. Eades, MD and Mary Dan Eades, MD. It has some very good points and answers to some questions that have been nagging me for years.
Today is my first official day with their plan--it's the most work I've done in years AND I'm so very afraid of not being successful. I now realize I'm carrying around 60 pounds of fat which is very disturbing to me. I never thought in all my life I would look like my grandmother! I'm very sad about this revelation.
So, today, I began. And I will take it one day at a time, one bite at a time. And since I'm full I should go knit something.
I guess on the bright side--I didn't succumb to other temptations such as smoking, drinking, drugs or worse.
I guess it's back to knitting the socks.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
The Bad News
Last week was so good! And then . . . . not so good.
The announcement last week, is no longer:(
Jenni isn't gonna be a mommy yet. Things didn't work out this time.
I just wish she didn't have to have such heartache. I don't wish that experience on any one.
But she is doing well, and their move to a new apartment is keeping her busy.
Send your healing light to her please.
The announcement last week, is no longer:(
Jenni isn't gonna be a mommy yet. Things didn't work out this time.
I just wish she didn't have to have such heartache. I don't wish that experience on any one.
But she is doing well, and their move to a new apartment is keeping her busy.
Send your healing light to her please.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Just last Saturday at knitting club the grammas were all googling about their slew of grandbabies. They teased me saying, "just wait, you never know!" "Blah, Blah, blah, I'm just gonna have grand-dogs", I said. Like I said, that was Saturday.
On Sunday evening Jenni and Bill stopped by to say they got a new apartment in Petoskey. Good news because that's where they both work. More $$ for rent, less expense in fuel!! I was very glad for them. I gave Jenni the sockies I had knit for the kids (her friends FOUR kids, 18 mo, to 7 yrs) and she casually says, "You can keep make stuff."
"Yea, I know, blah, blah, blah," I said.
"I'm pregnant," she says.
I said something like, "AAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHH!" and gave her a hug and kiss.
Bill just sat there with a s--t eating grin on his face!
She is 6 weeks along now and I hope Connie doesn't read this until Jenni gets a chance to tell her.
This will be our first grandbaby. I think I'm excited!!
As for the new revised eating plan, things are going well, the first week, I lost 1 1/2 lbs. Saturday is weight in day and I've been walking 4 days a week for 40-50 minutes. I can't wait until the roads defrost completely so I don't have to shuffle across the icy parts. I'll just have to wear grub clothes and slop in the mud instead!
Oh, as for the grandmother thing, we're looking for a different name than 'grandma'. These are the current options: NaNa, NeeNee, (that goes with NeeCee), Gram, Oma, Munga, Bitch, Old Lady (I was formerly Hey Lady), Grammy, Me Maw, G-Ma. I'm taking nominations as I'm gonna be the coolest grandmother ever!!
On Sunday evening Jenni and Bill stopped by to say they got a new apartment in Petoskey. Good news because that's where they both work. More $$ for rent, less expense in fuel!! I was very glad for them. I gave Jenni the sockies I had knit for the kids (her friends FOUR kids, 18 mo, to 7 yrs) and she casually says, "You can keep make stuff."
"Yea, I know, blah, blah, blah," I said.
"I'm pregnant," she says.
I said something like, "AAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHH!" and gave her a hug and kiss.
Bill just sat there with a s--t eating grin on his face!
She is 6 weeks along now and I hope Connie doesn't read this until Jenni gets a chance to tell her.
This will be our first grandbaby. I think I'm excited!!
As for the new revised eating plan, things are going well, the first week, I lost 1 1/2 lbs. Saturday is weight in day and I've been walking 4 days a week for 40-50 minutes. I can't wait until the roads defrost completely so I don't have to shuffle across the icy parts. I'll just have to wear grub clothes and slop in the mud instead!
Oh, as for the grandmother thing, we're looking for a different name than 'grandma'. These are the current options: NaNa, NeeNee, (that goes with NeeCee), Gram, Oma, Munga, Bitch, Old Lady (I was formerly Hey Lady), Grammy, Me Maw, G-Ma. I'm taking nominations as I'm gonna be the coolest grandmother ever!!
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Slow Knitting
Last week a made a purse for my friend M to give. When people ask about her purse, she says, "My friend Denise made it!" (with flourishing model hands). So I'm making a few more. They are easy TV knitting and uses left over wool.
I visited with my new Doc again on Thursday. I have homework from the last visit--keep a food diary. I had never done that before. It was a very interesting experience for me. I knew going in I would stern advice about the chips. It was the eating pattern that I was surprised with and what it does physiologically to my body that surprised me. I carb up (obviously bad carbs), fly, crash, carb up again to counteract the crash and wow, it's a vicious cycle!
My first day trying to break the cycle was eye opening. I've been doing this for so long I have gotten into a habit of carb doping for lunch and taking a nap in the afternoon. Yesterday, I cut way back on the bad carbs but did the nap thing anyway (habit). I felt so different after my nap. Like alive and awake. Doc said if I just do one thing a week (cut something or substitute a not so good thing for a better thing) then she expects a 1 lb. a week weight loss! My weight hasn't gone that way in 20 years! This is going to be hard work, but it's time to take care of myself now. I'm starting at 216, really. I go back in two months. I'm so excited, I'm gonna find some batteries for the scale!
I visited with my new Doc again on Thursday. I have homework from the last visit--keep a food diary. I had never done that before. It was a very interesting experience for me. I knew going in I would stern advice about the chips. It was the eating pattern that I was surprised with and what it does physiologically to my body that surprised me. I carb up (obviously bad carbs), fly, crash, carb up again to counteract the crash and wow, it's a vicious cycle!
My first day trying to break the cycle was eye opening. I've been doing this for so long I have gotten into a habit of carb doping for lunch and taking a nap in the afternoon. Yesterday, I cut way back on the bad carbs but did the nap thing anyway (habit). I felt so different after my nap. Like alive and awake. Doc said if I just do one thing a week (cut something or substitute a not so good thing for a better thing) then she expects a 1 lb. a week weight loss! My weight hasn't gone that way in 20 years! This is going to be hard work, but it's time to take care of myself now. I'm starting at 216, really. I go back in two months. I'm so excited, I'm gonna find some batteries for the scale!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
For My New Friend
This post is for Josephine. No pictures to post, but a post none the less.
Last weekend I traveled for the first time in my life not only to a neighboring state, but throught Wisconsin into Minnesota, for a knitting seminar. Sweetheart Knitting seminar in Fridley, MN. I met several knitters (duh) and had a wonderful two days of learning more machine knitting techiques.
I enjoyed all three of the demonstrators; Marcia Hauser, Helen Griffiths and Michael Becker.
I'm still slow to get motiviated, but, I took Jane for a walk this afternoon and was inspired. I remembered that I need to make myself a scarf and gloves or mitts to go with my winter coat. I would like to make a sign for my business. Tony's socks are nearly done but I don't care for the bind off nor the afterthought heel and both will be reworked before he can wear them.
Healthwise, I've been keeping a food journal--new thing for me. I eat a lot. Portion size is an issue for me.
I'm now in the 21st century--got cell phones last week too! And as soon as I figure out how to post a blog from my 'smartphone', you'll be the first to know!
Last weekend I traveled for the first time in my life not only to a neighboring state, but throught Wisconsin into Minnesota, for a knitting seminar. Sweetheart Knitting seminar in Fridley, MN. I met several knitters (duh) and had a wonderful two days of learning more machine knitting techiques.
I enjoyed all three of the demonstrators; Marcia Hauser, Helen Griffiths and Michael Becker.
I'm still slow to get motiviated, but, I took Jane for a walk this afternoon and was inspired. I remembered that I need to make myself a scarf and gloves or mitts to go with my winter coat. I would like to make a sign for my business. Tony's socks are nearly done but I don't care for the bind off nor the afterthought heel and both will be reworked before he can wear them.
Healthwise, I've been keeping a food journal--new thing for me. I eat a lot. Portion size is an issue for me.
I'm now in the 21st century--got cell phones last week too! And as soon as I figure out how to post a blog from my 'smartphone', you'll be the first to know!
Friday, January 11, 2008
More Than 7 Post this Year
So, I'm just gonna rattle on about nothing. We got some weather last night. After a week of spring time temps and all the snow melting we got about 6 inches of wet snow last night. We really need the snow for the economy. It brings skiers and snowmobilers to the area. Since most of our economy is based on tourism the snow is much appreciated. Thanks Mother Nature!
R is headed back to college this weekend. I'll miss her again. She monitors my eating habits, she's a good mom for me.
I'm trying a new doctor next week. I'm tired of the pill pushing MD's I've been seeing. Lately they haven't even looked at me, just my numbers in my file. How impersonal. I've been suffering with a numb thumb and discomfort in my upper back for three years. I did PT for a year with some relief. The only other suggestion was surgery. I think there are less invasive ways for treatment. That, and the only other thing the MD's are concerned with are some skin tags I've developed so they all think I should have a colonoscopy, to see if I have colon polyps; who cares if there are no other symptoms! I'm 44 with no other symptoms, they just want to poke around and haven't listened to me at all.
Knitting-wise I finished a UFO that's been floating around for months. R and I dyed the last of my Bare from KnitPicks and I started T's socks to match his tractors. R is my first daughter to learn to knit!
R is headed back to college this weekend. I'll miss her again. She monitors my eating habits, she's a good mom for me.
I'm trying a new doctor next week. I'm tired of the pill pushing MD's I've been seeing. Lately they haven't even looked at me, just my numbers in my file. How impersonal. I've been suffering with a numb thumb and discomfort in my upper back for three years. I did PT for a year with some relief. The only other suggestion was surgery. I think there are less invasive ways for treatment. That, and the only other thing the MD's are concerned with are some skin tags I've developed so they all think I should have a colonoscopy, to see if I have colon polyps; who cares if there are no other symptoms! I'm 44 with no other symptoms, they just want to poke around and haven't listened to me at all.
Knitting-wise I finished a UFO that's been floating around for months. R and I dyed the last of my Bare from KnitPicks and I started T's socks to match his tractors. R is my first daughter to learn to knit!
knitting crafts,
yarn dying
Friday, January 04, 2008
Thoughts for 2008
I'm feeling purple today. And ambitious. I need to start selling my stuff and I'm going to start here.
This is my plan--post weekly several items for sale, crafted by ME. I also told a friend I would like to write one pattern per month. My personal resolution is to make or buy a new outfit per month. Sounds like I will busy!
Look here soon for updates.
This is my plan--post weekly several items for sale, crafted by ME. I also told a friend I would like to write one pattern per month. My personal resolution is to make or buy a new outfit per month. Sounds like I will busy!
Look here soon for updates.
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