Pictured here is famous model Precious Lady Jane in her hunter orange safety vest. She enjoys walks in the woods, chasing squirrels and snuggling 'tween me and hubby. The pic to the left is her 'why are you making me sit still when we should be going for a walk," pose and below is the dejected, "ok, I'll just wait on the couch until you're ready," pose.

Hunter orange is a fashion color in Northern Michigan particularly popular this time of year. Mostly seen on men, this fashion is dictated by the state during firearm whitetail deer hunting season, Nov. 14-30. Anyone in the woods is advised to wear this fabulous color or risk getting shot, really. This is not an intentional thing, but some of the 'mighty hunters' only hunt during this season and some have been known to get "Buck Fever," a debilitating undiagnosed disease in which the afflicted has lost the ability to distinguish between a whitetail deer and any other critter. (Victim critters being shot at as a result of "Buck Fever" are: cattle, horses, dogs, hunting buddies, elk, duck, turkey, basically anything that moves.)
Moving on--
I've had a few dreams as of late. The first one was about J's Big Bubba (formerly seen here in pics knitting). I dreamt he got fired from his job. The dream was a Friday night. I mentioned this to them on Saturday. On Tuesday--he got fired!
The next dream was of the shop I've been thinking about opening. The dream showed a small shop, doing very well, and me--happy, happy--working in my shop. What was in the shop, knitting and crafting stuff and since it was my shop, I could have Jane there to help me.
(The next dream I had I killed somebody because he was SO ANNOYING. I hope that one doesn't come true.)
So the next step of this business venture is to make some plans. I started those (at my other job) earlier this week. I'm also going to attend a business start-up workshop next week--it met my criteria: 1. Nearby, 2. less than a day long, 3. FREE. It's being offered through Michigan State University.
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