I wake up at 6 a.m.!
My butt is tight
I'm making lists AND getting things checked off them, again
I'm cleaning the house!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I balanced my checkbook
I'm eating more healthy
I look forward to getting up in the morning
I sleep better
I'm sure there's more that I'll think of later.
Here's a pic of the socks I've been working on, a two needle pattern done on 1 circular needle on navy wool blend given to me by a friend.

Ok, so this morning I got up early enough to make coffee for my hubby and me, ate breakfast, watched the last 45 minutes of The Princess Bride, rototilled the garden, gathered up dirty clothes and sat down to blog--all before 8 a.m.! At this rate I make get some knitting done in the machine room before it gets to hot!
Norma had some pants peeing laughs on July 13 and 14. Be careful if you check it out, really!
I'm still checking out other knitters foreign links such as Uli's. It's amazing how you can figure out what is posted with a picture and some punctuation.
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